Wednesday, November 8, 2017

English´s classes structure

I think learning english in the university is very important, this because the careers are associated with english, for example a lot of thecnical information in my career is in english, but i think it´s not very entertaining, maybe english´s class have to use another structure, like theorical classes, exercise classes between others.

About the use of blogs, this allows us to express with our own words our ideas about a topic choosen by us, but i think this system is repetitive and sometimes is very boring, i think the system is ok, but not in all the weeks, maybe three or four times in the semester. Also the english classes should change between other structures week per week.

My english is very basic, this is because i forgot some of the gramatical and phonetical forms of english, maybe a remember of those forms should be fine to improve english, also english needs use cientific forms for the diferent careers in the faculty. My plan should be the use of plataforms of english, like duolingo, or to learn by my own grammar and phonetics. Learning english nowadays is very easy, because there are a lot of plataforms and systems to learn the language, and not only english.

Outside the english classes i use a little bit english to comunication on games with english speakers, or maybe in songs when i sing songs in english. Maybe i have to improve that, try to learn to speak english in a better form being more fluid and faster.

That is all, thanks for reading my opinion about the actual system of english´s classes.


  1. At school, English phonetics was the best I learned.

  2. i think, in english, the pronunciation is the most importan thing to have a good comunication
