Wednesday, October 25, 2017


While we are in classes, we are constantly thinking in summer, what are we gonna do or simply where we gonna go. 

My plans to summer will be go to the beach or maybe to a rural zone to camping. With my friends we usually, in summers, go to camping in mountains or fields. For this summer securely we are gonna do the same. 

My favorites places for camping are Aculeo, Valdivia, Yerba Loca, Vallecito, Cajon del Maipo. This are places that i would like to visit for camping. There are more places that i would like to visit, but i can´t because that places are so expensive.

Then in Santiago maybe i am going to work for a month, and then back to the university.

Maybe i will visit the beach in ViƱa Del Mar, Algarrobo or El quisco. Those are places that i frequently visit in summers.

About the other places that i would like to visit, those are Torres del Paine, Concepcion, Termas de Chillan and San Pedro de Atacama, but as i said, that places are too expensive to me. This places are great to visit because are so beautiful and had a lot of tourist attractions and very beautiful landscapes. 

The most important think to travel around Chile or to travel everywhere is do that with friends or family, there is nothing better than a nice companion. That is all for today, thanks for reading

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

What about drugs?

Hi everyone, today I’m going to speak a little bit about drugs of abuse that I have tested in my short life and a drug that is familiarized with me.

One of the drugs that is familiarized with me, my environment, my friends, etc... Is marijuana, it is a very common drug, sometimes I consume this drug with friends in parties or meetings, but never alone. I know about his effects like memory loss, deconcentration, relaxation, etc. so I think that I use this drug “consciously”. Sometimes I consume alcohol and when I was younger than now (like 14 or 15 years old) i smoke cigarettes but I decided to leave it because I don’t like it at all.

The benefit of this drug is scientifically proven, and in fact is actually used as a medicament or specifically an analgesic. This drug can cause addiction to prolonged use of the drug

Addiction is defined as a chronic and recurrent disease of the brain that is characterized by the search and compulsive consumption of drugs, despite its harmful consequences. I don`t know nobody addicted to drugs, just people that use drugs recreationally.

It is considered a disease of the brain because drugs modify this organ: its structure and functioning are affected. These changes in the brain can be long-lasting, and can lead to dangerous behaviors that are seen in people who abuse drug use.

My career is closely related to drugs, because explain how drugs works on the organism, its effects and mechanism of action.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


I want to keep studying in my life, i think humans have to take all the knowledge that they can in his lives, for this reason i want to do a doctorate, a magister and maybe take another career in relation with chemistry.

A doctorate is a program of each university to specialize graduated students, it has a duration of 3 years or 6 semesters and has certain requirements like certificate of title, grades, etc.

A magister is a program of each university, the objective of this program is to in-depth knowledge of certain subjects, in my case i want to do a magister of pharmaceutical sciences.

I want to be an specialist of clinic pharmacy, it is my favorite area of my career, the doctorate that involves this area is the doctorate in pharmacology and this program have subjects like advanced molecular pharmacology, experimentation in pharmacology,clinic pharmacology, etc.

I would like to do this post graduate at Barcelona, in the University of Barcelona, or maybe here in Chile in the University of Chile.

I think face to face studies are a great form of learning because it allows a feedback between student and professor but i think e-learning is a nice mode too, this is because it allows to take classes in every part of the world with a internet connection.