Wednesday, October 4, 2017


I want to keep studying in my life, i think humans have to take all the knowledge that they can in his lives, for this reason i want to do a doctorate, a magister and maybe take another career in relation with chemistry.

A doctorate is a program of each university to specialize graduated students, it has a duration of 3 years or 6 semesters and has certain requirements like certificate of title, grades, etc.

A magister is a program of each university, the objective of this program is to in-depth knowledge of certain subjects, in my case i want to do a magister of pharmaceutical sciences.

I want to be an specialist of clinic pharmacy, it is my favorite area of my career, the doctorate that involves this area is the doctorate in pharmacology and this program have subjects like advanced molecular pharmacology, experimentation in pharmacology,clinic pharmacology, etc.

I would like to do this post graduate at Barcelona, in the University of Barcelona, or maybe here in Chile in the University of Chile.

I think face to face studies are a great form of learning because it allows a feedback between student and professor but i think e-learning is a nice mode too, this is because it allows to take classes in every part of the world with a internet connection.


  1. I also think humans should learn about everything and do not consider it as something bored because knowledge is power

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. let's study and work together on clinic pharmacy!<333

  4. Yes one should never stop learning!
