Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Hobbies :D

Hi everyone, it´s time to speak about hobbies. Hobbies are really important to distraction and for funny, my favourite hobby is computer games, i think it is important to me because i forgot about tests, problems, etc.. I play any kind of games like shooters, rpg, mmorpg, moba, action, adventure and the only kind of games i don´t like is car games. I play in computer since i had 7 years old, When i was 7 i liked to play football with friends and with trading card games like yu-gi-oh, pokemon, "mitos y leyendas" and magic. Sometimes i collect bottles of beer, like imported beers or rare beers since a pair of years. Actually i play guitar for hobby and it´s very great to me, i usually play guitar with my friends.

I think i would never had some hobbies like dance or sing, because i am terrible for that, and i would to have some hobbies like play guitar better than now (more dedicated to) or to be a better goalkeeper.

I think hobbies are important because allows you to stay occupied in something of your interest. Allows you to "lose" time in something that you like and you enjoy to do.