Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The center of our emotions and desicions

When we speak about emotions, we speak about an especial system on our brains, we speak about limbic system.
The limbic system is formed by lots of brain structures, like hypothalamus, cerebral tonsil
and cerebral hippocampus. This system is in charge of decisions (good decisions), emotions,
autonomic responses, memory, sexual instincts, etc.

It´s on the brain and its size is just like two almonds, a very little size in spite of his function.

His function is very important, for example, when we are angry with someone, we want to smash that person, to hit him forever, but is this system who regulate our emotions, sometimes is linked to the ethical and moral of each person, it´s like our angel on the shoulder, saying us what we must do for a good resolution of problems. This system says us what is good to do, or what it´s not good, for this reason the limbic system is involved with some mental illness like dementia, depression, Alzheimer, anxiety, autism, schizophrenia, etc. When this system is in an abnormal state, we don´t control our decisions and emotions, sometimes this is the born of a psycho.

It is possible to prevent this mental problems, with some habits like a healthy nutrition, eating some foods with vitamin b, omega 3 and some nuts, Also the exercise is a nice habit for avoid this problems.


  1. It's amazing how that little thing can do all of that.

  2. One of the worst problems of the society is the anxiety and this can cause depression

  3. That make me think what we are? People with emotions or only hypothalamus with feets?

  4. the limbic system is like a double-edged sword :(
