Thursday, June 2, 2016

That glorious page

Hi, now, i´m gonna show the god-page for study, Unicoos

Unicoos is a web of a spanish teacher who makes videos for everything, he has all the topics of science's study, he teachs chemistry, physics, Math, Tech, Draw, etc... The page is organized in grades, topics, and subjects. Besides, the site has a youtube channel and there are all the videos of contents, exercises, explanations,etc..

 Here is the site:

Personally, i visit unicoos when i have to study for tests, controls, etc. or sometimes when i don´t understand something related to science subjects.
I like this page because it is very complete, I can understand something in 20 minutes, The teacher is a good teacher, and teachs very simple. It is free too and the web page has forums for questions to the teacher.

The website is so orderly, the main page have videos, names of teachers, social networks where we can find unicoos. Also has a badge system, this means that the users can win badges for be a member for a long time, or see videos for a long time, this is like: "a badge for be a member for 1 year" or "a badge for see 1 hour of videos".

1 comment:

  1. Its a very good website, but some videos are very long, so it bores me
