Friday, June 17, 2016


Hi, It´s the turn for travels, i´m gonna speak about a travel to "El quisco" the last summer.

Every summers, my friend´s circle and me "planned" a travel to some beach of Chile, in this time it was the turn of "El Quisco", this travels are amazing because we improvise everything, the word plan is just a lie. We are a group of 7 guys, so just imagine the chaos. One of my friends has a place to stay in el quisco, the house of his grandparents, so finally we went to that place. We bought the bus´ tickets and we start the adventure on a monday, after of two hours of travel, we finally arrived on el quisco. The first day is just for rest and organize, we bought supplies for all the days on the beach and we order everything. We go to the beach all the days, and in the nights we had little parties. On the sixth day, and last day, it´s all chaos. We return to Santiago on seventh day.

In this travels is where i learn a little bit of independence and where i know the true friendship. The travels with friends are amazing.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Fav Subject!

Hi everyone, in this blog i´m gonna speak about my favorite subject, this is Laboratory or Laboratory Skills, in this subject we can do things related with practice area and learn some new things in the tgeorical area of this subject, this things are distillation, purification, separation, etc. This is very enjoyable because we can learn on "field" and make mistakes in order to be a better scientist.

In this subject are too many professors, and we don´t have always the same, some professors are good people but others are so rude and unpleasant. I like this subject because is practical and the schedule is nice, this subject is on wednesday in the morning, until 13:00 hours.

Maybe if i could change something of this subject, it would be the evaluation system, because there are controls in a paper, and just are one practical control. Other thing is that we don´t have breaks, and the class is from 8:30 until 13:00 hours, And the last thing is that the subject have a theorical area or a normal class, maybe this class would be in the laboratory and not in a classroom.

Here are some photos about laboraties:




Thursday, June 2, 2016

That glorious page

Hi, now, i´m gonna show the god-page for study, Unicoos

Unicoos is a web of a spanish teacher who makes videos for everything, he has all the topics of science's study, he teachs chemistry, physics, Math, Tech, Draw, etc... The page is organized in grades, topics, and subjects. Besides, the site has a youtube channel and there are all the videos of contents, exercises, explanations,etc..

 Here is the site:

Personally, i visit unicoos when i have to study for tests, controls, etc. or sometimes when i don´t understand something related to science subjects.
I like this page because it is very complete, I can understand something in 20 minutes, The teacher is a good teacher, and teachs very simple. It is free too and the web page has forums for questions to the teacher.

The website is so orderly, the main page have videos, names of teachers, social networks where we can find unicoos. Also has a badge system, this means that the users can win badges for be a member for a long time, or see videos for a long time, this is like: "a badge for be a member for 1 year" or "a badge for see 1 hour of videos".

Saturday, May 28, 2016

My favorite Animation

Hello, I'm gonna share my favorite anime:

This anime is Hajimme no Ippo or Fighting Spirit, this anime tells the story of a boy named Ippo Makunoichi, This is a shy boy, and he never had the time to make friends because he was busy helping his mother run their family fishing charter business. One day, after the school, ippo was smashed by a group of bullies, just because he supposedly smells like worms (bait for fishs). In that moment, Mamoru Takamura, a famous boxer, defend him and took him to the kamogawa gym to treat his wounds. Mamoru Takamura, tried to cheer Ippo up by letting him vent his frustation on a sandbag. Ippo decided to become a Boxer.

I watched this anime since my childhood, then i watched all the seasons of the anime. I love this anime and i'm waiting for the continuation of the seasons because the creators let an opened final. 


Hello everyone, i'm gonna show my favorite photo, this photo is just a cover of an album of radiohead, this album is hail to the thief, is very interesting, i don't know what is the meaning of the photo, but the fans of radiohead thinks is about politics.

This album cover was created for Stanley Downwood, this cover art was named as "Pacific Coast" is a road map of Hollywood with words and phrases taken from Los Angeles's roadside advertising, such as "God", "TV" and "oil", in place of buildings.

This is some of the words from the creator to explain this cover album: Donwood said: "Advertising is designed to be seductive and attractive and, in a lot of ways, it's very beautiful. But there's something unsettling about being continually sold something. I liked taking the elements of roadside advertising out of context because it removes the imperative and just goes to the essence of it – the pure heart of advertising."

This photo to me is very important, because this was the first album of radiohead that i heard, and just because i liked the cover. Now i like too much the band and his music.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

What about Music?

Hi everyone, today is the turn of music.
The music is very important in my life, i listen and play music in my cotidian life because it's useful for distract myself in moments that i need it.
I am very especific for music, and i don't tolerate some music styles like reggeton or bachata and sometimes this is very bad because i should tolerate all the music styles. I listen rock, Alternative and grunge to be more especific, bands like nirvana, alice in chains, soundgarden, foo fighters, pearl jam, arctic monkeys, radiohead, and others. I like psychedelic and hard rock too, these are bands like pink floyd, the doors and led zeppelin. I prefer listen music but i like play music too. I think the biggest band in the world is Pink floyd, because they are the beggining of all, the starting point of the rock.

Friday, April 29, 2016

It's like a Brain

Hi, today i´m gonna speak about my favorite piece of technology, the computer. To begin i want to speak about this machine, the computer is a piece of technology for everything, we can search "why the sky is blue" and in the same time we can listen music, or writing this. we have many uses for a computer, but is a distraction too.
I had my first computer when i was 7 years old, and it was so big, it was like a wash machine (really big) but in that time it was fine for me, because i was not using it for many things, Just for play and search irrelevant things.
Nowadays i use my computer for works of university, learn new things, see educational videos, play some video games, see movies, download new music, etc... I use everydays and that scary me because i don't want to be dependent of a machine.
I like computer because it is useful for me, and sometimes it´s funny for me, for recreational activities or just for have fun. My life would be different without this machine, because, like i already said, it is very useful for me

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Why did i choose this career?

Hello everyone, The topic of today is about why did i choose this career.

Well, when i was a child i wanted to be a veterinarian until the high school, then i want to study Biology, Chemistry or forest engineering, but all of that change in 3rd grade when i visited this department with my grade of the high school. It was a guide visit to know about the four careers, and finally i liked chemistry and pharmaceutics and no other career was a real option. In the postulation i put only chemistry and pharmacy in the University of Chile.

The experience in this department has been great, it´s very funny and has everything for the university life. The people is very interesting too

In the end of my career i want to work on veterinarian toxicology, like drugs for animals, synthesis of drugs, or natural pharmacy but i'm sure this will be change in the future because are too many options to choose.

Here are some pictures of my "future"

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Personal Bio, Benjamin Fernandez-Prada Paz

Hello, I am Benjamin Fernandez-Prada Paz. I was born on December 25th 1996, in Santiago, Chile. I am the fourth son of Marcela and Luis. I am the youngest of my siblings, and they are two men and one woman. My sister studied the career of graphic design, she has a daughter, my older brother studied to be a cartoonist, and he currently is a tatooist, and my other brother is an English Teacher, and he has a daughter too.

I studied my primary school in the school Mercedes Marin del Solar, located in Providencia. Then i studied my secondary school in Liceo Jose Victorino Lastarria, located in providencia too. The year 2016 i started studying at the University of Chile, the career of chemistry and pharmacy.

I enjoy to play the guitar, play some videogames and play football in the goalkeeper position. Nowadays i live with my mother and my dog, Chocolate,
in La florida, we have a vegetable garden, where we plant some spices, like oregano, basil, cilantro and others, and some vegetables like onion, garlic, and tomatoes among others.

Here are some pictures about my hobbies, my family and me